We work hard so that you can have peace of mind knowing that the entire project, scheduling, ordering, planning, demolition, deliveries, installation and finishes are in the hands of capable professionals who care about you and your property.
At Solid Rock Construction, we divide the construction process into (4) phases and use a top-of-the-line web-based project management system called BuilderTrend. This allows customers full access to view their project timeline, budget, change orders, material selections, progress photos, documents and to communicate with team members.
We love discussing home projects, so please don’t hesitate if you have questions or want to schedule a free consultation.
At Solid Rock Construction, we’re committed to building a brighter future. Partnering with Venture, we’re helping to prevent women and children from being trafficked by providing access to safe-housing and ongoing restorative care. When you choose to use our services a portion of the sale will help fund the construction of a safe home in Nepal.
Thank you for building something beautiful with us!
*Average ratings based on Google, Facebook, BuilderTrend, Houzz, and BBB ratings.